



What’s included

a personalised approach.

Metabolic assessments are conducted to learn how your body utilises fuel at rest and during exercise. We also offer FatMax testing to find out what intensity your body utilises the most fat as a fuel source. These coupled with body composition assessments allow for an individualised approach to maximise efficiency.

an Educational-Based service.

Being told what to do isn’t great long term - food plans rarely work, can be hard to stick to or get boring quickly. We analyse your food habits on a weekly basis via a food diary you keep and provide feedback. This way, we can have meaningful conversation about what is going well, and where improvements/changes need to be made. Learning and creating new habits are much more sustainable for the future.

being held Accountable.

Our approach means that you will always be held accountable. As well as offering regular assessments and/or weekly feedback, we allow contact at any time to ask questions or for advice. You may just need clarification on the wide variety of information out there - let us help you remove the trial error, and make informed decision based on your own body.